Getting started at the first MUSES Collaboration Meeting 2022

Welcome to the inaugural MUSES Collaboration Meeting

This post provides a checklist of items you should complete to make sure you have the best experience at our first collaboration-wide, in-person meeting here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Upload your presentation files to the cloud

Upload your presentation and related files to the :open_file_folder: Presentations folder prior to the meeting. This will serve as a backup in case your hardware fails or if you prefer not to hassle with connecting your machine to our audio-visual equipment.

Sign up to receive email notifications about meeting activities

Our collaboration uses this forum instead of an old-fashioned email list, and the flexibility is perfect for situations like this.

  1. :passport_control: Login to the forum with your preferred institutional credentials.

  2. :wrench: Open your notification preferences, add the muses_meeting_2022 to your list of Watched tags, and save your changes.

  3. :email: Ensure that your email notifications are enabled and that the option “Email me when I am quoted, replied to, my @username is mentioned, or when there is new activity in my watched categories, tags or topics” is set to “only when away” or “always”.

  4. :book: To learn more about managing your forum notifications so you can participate without drowning in noise, read this article.

Video conferencing for remote participants

We are attempting to include collaborators who want to participate remotely. Please see the meeting home page for details here.

Hi @andrew.manning and @nyunes, can you also please add the zoom link for those who cannot be there in person?