Webinar 2022/10/27: Getting Started on NCSA's Delta Supercomputer

Many thanks :pray: to @babreu at NCSA for sharing these links and opportunities to learn about GPU programming and how to use the NCSA Delta HPC system.

:computer: Getting Started on NCSA’s Delta Supercomputer

In this webinar, you will learn about NCSA’s Delta supercomputer and how to use it for your scientific research. The following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to Delta
  • Node Architecture and Interconnect
  • System Services and Features
    • Project and Account Management
    • Accessing
    • Storage
    • Running Jobs
    • Data Management
  • Programming Environment
    • Installed Software
    • Containers
  • Open OnDemand, Science Gateway
  • Q & A

Presenters will highlight important features and current issues researchers may encounter when using Delta. This webinar is suitable for current and potential users of Delta.

:books: :technologist: Resources for learning GPU programming


Introduction to GPU Architecture (Cornell)


Introduction to CUDA (NVIDIA)


Intro to OpenACC (NERSC + NVIDIA)

Intro to OpenACC (PSC)

Loop Optimization with OpenACC (NERSC + NVIDIA)

General GPU Programming

Accelerated Computing for C/C++ (NVIDIA, not free, certificates available)

GPUs with Python

Using GPUs with Python using Numba and CuPy

NVIDIA Deep Learning Self-Paced Courses

OpenACC and CUDA are good frameworks for folks coming from C/C++ programming, the first being a higher-level approach.

I registered for this training session happening tomorrow. If anyone else (particularly from @cyberinfrastructure ) wants to attend, register today and request that @rhaas add you to the access list for our Delta allocation so you can use your own account during the session.