Upcoming Workshops/conferences

Hi all,

Since we’re coming from a wide variety of communities here, I wanted to point everyone in the direction of a few upcoming conferences/workshops that are relevant to heavy-ion collisions, nuclear astrophysics, and gravitational waves. Also, I know a number of MUSES members plan to attend and send group members as well. Please feel free to add others!

  • Quark Matter - this is the biggest conference (~1000 people) for heavy-ion physics but it has a growing nuclear astrophysics component (and is looking to expand in that direction). Just to give you a heads up, abstract selection is very competitive (I think the acceptance rate is like 10%?) QM 2022 (4-10 April 2022): Overview · Indico
  • Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics - smaller beach workshop (this year, it oscillates between beach and mountains every year). Runs between 50-100 people and has a wide range of focus. Typically talks are in the mornings at late afternoon/early evening, providing a 4-5 hour break after lunch. It’s a really great workshop to meet collaborators and have deeper discussions. Talks are normally ~25 minutes. The 37th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (27 February 2022 - 5 March 2022): Overview · Indico
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I am going to both :slight_smile:


I am going to both as well! Looking forward!