Intro to Apptainer Workshop

Intro to Apptainer Workshop

Description: This 2-hour workshop will introduce the use of an apptainer as a containerization solution for HPC applications. Topics that will be covered include:

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading and Interacting with Containers
  3. Using OCI Registries with Apptainer
  4. Building Apptainer Containers
  5. Accessing Host Files with Bind Mounts
  6. Combining Concepts to Create a Container for “Data Analysis”
  7. Installing Apptainer as an Unprivileged User

Speaker: David Godlove, CIQ

Date and location: this will be presented virtually via Zoom on 3/29/2024, from 10 AM to Noon CT.

:writing_hand: Register here!

It would be helpful to the project if one or more of the module developers would register today and attend this, given our stated goal of integration with Delta, which only supports Apptainer.

@devs @ci-cohort-2