Help with MUSES documentation

When visitors land on our community website the first content they see is a link to our fledgling :open_book: documentation pages. The purpose of this separate documentation site is to be the “root” of all documentation related to the MUSES framework. In other words, it does not need to include all content, but it should provide a direct minimal-length chain of links to all technical documentation.

:information_source: Example: Researcher finds a list of code modules supported by MUSES on the root documentation site → They follow a link to one of the code module’s git repo → They discover the code module’s “root document” in the form of the file in the git repo.

The project documentation is a dynamic, living organism. As MUSES collaborators add code modules and the system evolves, each of us share a responsibility to add and update content related to our components.

:thinking: I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to visit our community landing page and imagine you are a scientist who has vaguely heard of MUSES and is interested in learning what it can offer them. What would this person learn by browsing the website? What would they learn about the existing code modules? What would they think is being actively developed? Would they know how to contact someone with questions if they were interested in learning more?


Since we’ve picked a date for the MUSES collaboration meeting, that might be a good thing to put for recent news.

Also, maybe (once we’re a bit farther along) we could have a tab for recent publications and talks? It would be nice to show our progress as time goes by. Especially since most talks allow for links to slides.

Otherwise, it looks really great!

Are you talking about the community landing page at ? We already have the Seminar page, and I thought our current plan for publications was to list them at (although a redundant copy at might be desirable).

The documentation I am talking about here is hosted at with the Markdown-formatted source files version-controlled in, which allows the community to contribute and revise content using standard software development workflows.

We also have a convenient image button at the top of each page that allows anyone to submit an update with a few clicks using GitLab’s browser-based text editor.