2022 MUSES NSF CSSI PI conference poster

In a little over a week I will be representing our collaboration at the NSF CSSI PI meeting in DC, where I will present a poster and give a one-minute “lightning” talk. While I cannot promise that your feedback will be incorporated given the imminent upload deadline, I will consider any comments or suggestions you may have.

Click to view latest version:


There is also a 60-second lightning talk that requires a single slide to be uploaded along with the poster. Obviously this leaves very little time to explain anything, so I will focus on four points:

  1. What science goal are we striving to solve
  2. Who we are
  3. Rough sketch of the architecture focusing on the calculation engine and its code modules
  4. Sustainability in terms of both community building and CI software design choices

Click below to see the latest version:


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